Saturday, March 23, 2013

Southwest-style Quinoa

Southwest-style Quinoa


I love cooking the occasional big meal.  But realistically, I only have the time to make a big production dinner maybe once a week.  And since it is just my honey and me right now, those huge meals tend to keep us eating the leftovers for days.  While I love leftovers, sometimes I just want something simple and new.

I am currently in school, working part time as a nanny, and I am training for my first triathlon.  Like most people, when I come home I don’t have energy for, nor want a big meal.  That why I love delicious, quick, and healthy dinners during the week.  This recipe fits the bill.  It’s quick, light and has a nice kick of heat.

Quinoa is a grain, similar to rice or couscous, from South America.  It is very high in protein, so you don’t need to add any meat or tofu to this dish.  It is vegetarian friendly.  Quinoa can be bitter if it hasn’t been rinsed.  I used a pre-rinsed variety, but if that’s not available to you be sure to rinse it in a sieve for at least 1 minute. 

Most of these ingredients are pantry staples making this dish very convenient.  It’s also a very flexible recipe.  Living in South Texas, I love spicy food so I am using the hot version of Rotel.  If spicy is not your thing, there are also mild and medium varieties.  I like to use Mexicorn (that’s what it’s really called, I swear!).  If you can’t find that, you can always use plain canned corn.  I recommend cheddar, queso blanco, or a Mexican blend of cheese, but if you prefer something else, try it!  Playing with recipes to suit your own tastes is half the fun of cooking!



1 cup quinoa, rinsed

1 cup vegetable broth

1 cup black beans, rinsed

1 can Rotel (I prefer the hot version, but there are mild alternatives)

1 can of Mexicorn, drained

1 avocado, peeled and cut into thin slices

½ cup grated cheese (I use a sharp cheddar or Mexican blend)



In a medium saucepan, bring quinoa and vegetable broth to a boil over high heat.

Rinse the black beans.  Drain the Mexicorn.

Reduce to a simmer and add the black beans, Mexicorn and Rotel. Cover and cook for 17 minutes until most of the liquid is absorbed.

Place serving into bowl and garnish with grated cheese and slice of avocado.
Check out my step-by-step how-to video!

Please enjoy!

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